tile news
Join The Tile Association and Get Noticed

Some time ago joining The Tile Association may have got your tile business noticed, but it wouldn’t have helped your website much, as the Tiles.org.uk domain sucked in search engines. The new Tile Association website has been running for a while now and it’s brilliant. As a tiler you get listed in their database, then when a visitor searches their website for a tiler you’ll show up! This wasn’t available a while ago and its nice to see they’ve caught up with the times because it was a comment that kept appearing on Tilers Forums and was one of the main reasons for cancelling the annual fee after trying it out. These days we’re seeing many nice comments about how much business tilers get from it, and how easy it was for homeowners who needed their bathroom or kitchen tiling, to actually find a tiler.

And not just any tiler too, one approved and vetted by The Tile Association. The leading industry body for the tile industry in the UK.

Joining The Tile Association is low cost, and goes in your advertising segment of your accounts so can be offset and actually costs your business not much at all.

tile adhesive news tools
10 Tips Tricks and Hacks for Tiling

There are many tiling forums online now, but the UK Tiling Forum TilersForums.co.uk is the best out of the many!

Checkout the amount of security flaws in the forum software!


Every version of the free forum software can be hacked. The database of users, email addresses, and messages posted to the forum can be effectively broken into and stolen by the average script-kiddie and white-hat hacker. Let alone the black-hat dodgy hackers.

Immediately request that your data be erased from the forum fully. Contact the forum owners to get them to comply immediately or risk your information being spread around online forever.

The Tiling Forum United Kingdom for Professional and D.I.Y Tilers Alike.

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